Gypsy Eyes Photography

Gypsy Eyes Photography

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The little light in my eye Nicholas

I know this boy named Nicholas James he is the little light in my eye.

He is loving, he is bold, he is bright beyond his years bubbly and contagious. He at times is very cautious and very tender hearted. You will always know when he is in the room he loves to chat. His favorite movie is move it move it. An hour won't go by that he doesn't say "I love you" or "Your my best friend".
He especially loves listening to his daddy's album in the car "The boy's n the barrels". The light and glow in his face when he gets the chance to sit in on practice is shear happiness. The sharpest dresser i know. He enjoys panda's and dinosaurs and loves talking about animals don't mention the zoo to him or you will not hear and end to your conversation. Figurines of any kind are his favorite toy's along side with books. Watching him blossom into this amazing toddler is such a joy every day.
The majority of his friends are adults he does not mind in fact he likes to keep up with our conversations and be part of them so we let him we call this amazing boy Nicholas James.












Love xoxoxox


Engagement Session Minneapolis

I had the honor of taking Kelly's engagement pictures in Minneapolis we got a beautiful day for shooting and we explored around the city and found some unique locations.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Engagement Session

Look at this adorable couple! I had the chance to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and capture there engagement pictures there location was beautiful and love was in the air.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Giveaways Coming Soon.......

In the month of September i will be promoting my site and blog i will be posting several giveaways on my site stay tuned for details!

Gypsy Eyes Photography

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Outdoor Family Shoot

March 2010
I had the pleasure of taking this adorable pictures of this adorable family.

Sams Pinup Shoot

March 2010

Sam is an amazing beautiful friend of mine it was an absolute pleasure to capture these moments on film. Sam we all love u and hope to see that smilling face soon!

Nicholas at the park

March 2010 Photoshoot's